Lite & Barricade


SolarTech Solar-Powered Portable Tower Trailer

Meets or exceeds the standards for Flashing Arrow Panels as listed in the U.S. Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD).

This 30 foot tower trailer is an adaptable solar-powered platform that can be outfitted with lights, cameras, sensors, antennas and other communication devices. Truly solar-powered, the tower is a continuous, year-round, uninterrupted power source capable of providing a minimum of 950 watt-hours per day of electrical power (nominal 75 amp hours per day at 12.5 volts DC)
Can be outfitted with the following options & more:
– 4, 6, or 8 lights
– Camera
– Anti-theft steel battery frame or vandal-proof battery enclosure
– Electric brakes