Lite & Barricade

MASH TL-3 Low Maintenance Verticle Cylinder Crash Cushion

This Cylinder Crash Cushion is MASH Eligible as a TL-3 attenuator for temporary or permanent concrete barriers, bridge piers or parapets, and square blocks. It can be installed on new or existing concrete pads. The system includes a self-contained backup structure that is designed to resist movement during head-on and side impacts and can protect hazards up to 30″ wide.
This TL-3 system is a redirective, non-gating, crash cushion that meets the TxDOT Crash Cushion Attenuator Category of Low Maintenance, Redirective, and Non-Gating and can be permanently installed or used temporarily in work zones. It provides shoulder, point, median and/or gore two-side protection and falls under the latest statewide standard REACT (M)-21 (MASH Compliant). The system is FHWA Accepted for Use in Uni- and Bi- Directional Applications.

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